Excalibur welcomed Wiltshire Air Ambulance fundraiser, Beth Knights, to its Swindon headquarters this November, to receive a £1,500 cheque from the company. The donation was made from Excalibur’s partner charity donation scheme.
The charity was specially chosen by three partners, Roger, Kelly and Luke, who all wanted Wiltshire Air Ambulance to be their charity of the month. Excalibur partners generate the funds via the company employee salary sacrifice scheme.
Naomi Barker, Wiltshire Air Ambulance Corporate Partnerships Lead, said: “Excalibur’s kind donation will support our lifesaving work across Wiltshire, Bath and surrounding areas. We’re extremely grateful for Excalibur’s continued support; thank you for all that you do for us.”
Wiltshire Air Ambulance is a longstanding Excalibur client and a charity particularly close to the heart of the company. Many of its IT engineers and service staff work closely with the air ambulance crew to make sure its system is fully operational 24/7.
As part of Air Ambulance Week in September, several air ambulance crew visited Excalibur to update partners’ first aid skills. The training covered CPR for adults and children as well as getting every one up to speed on how to use a defibrillator.