One of the primary advantages of fixed lines is that once installed, they simply stay out of the way and work diligently. That efficiency is also a downside. It’s easy to forget that you have those lines even when you’re using the phone every day or accessing the internet. So when was the last time you reviewed your fixed line needs?
As technology changes and your business evolves, your needs may change. The telecommunications business continues to be ferociously competitive, so available deals will definitely change. If you haven’t reviewed your fixed line contract or your requirements within the last 12 months, you could be missing out.
Technology changes
While your physical fixed line connection is unlikely to have changed much, you don’t know until you check. With networks upgrading all the time, fibre rollouts continuing apace and new cabled areas being added, telecommunications is part of an ever-changing landscape.
Network upgrades could mean faster speeds across the board, last mile upgrades could mean fibre to the cabinet or even to the building in built-up areas. Few network providers volunteer information about upgrades unless they are planning to charge you for it, so it’s up to you to review your needs and assess what’s available.
New fixed line deals
Telecommunications is one of the most competitive markets in the UK. With margins tight and churn a continued concern, networks are keep to retain your custom where possible. This gives you more bargaining power than you might realise. Resellers are also improving their market reach and quality of service, making them a viable provider of business communications.
Special offers, free upgrades, value-added services and speed improvements are just some of the incentives many providers are offering existing customers to stay or new customers to switch. With the switching process now easier than ever, it has never been simple or faster to take your business elsewhere.
Considering how important communications is to business, we rarely give the provision of it much thought. If that sounds familiar, Excalibur can help. As business communications experts, we are perfectly placed to assess your requirements and to deliver on them. We can scour the market for the cheapest deals and pass those savings directly on to you.
Contact Excalibur today if you would like us to help review your fixed line needs.